I'm an American living in Thessaloniki, Greece with my wonderful husband. We are so close you can barely tell us apart, except he's the smart, pretty, funny and kind one, and I'm the one who makes way too many patterns.
I used to be a print journalist, but now I do mostly webby type things and occasionally teach private lessons in English. I read a lot; in fact, by my calculations, the number of books I've read is probably equal to the number of tiles I have published on citrusmoon.net - or, in other words, going on 3,000. And I adore games and puzzles; I like doing the New York Times Sunday crosswords, and once decided that I wanted to become a professional crossword creator, but I never could figure out how to break into that field.
I started Citrus Moon as personal site at the beginning of 2003, and for almost a year I published new tiles every single day. Then my computer broke, and when I returned I made a new, improved layout, and shifted to posting tiles almost every day. Then I moved the main page over here to Typepad to make categorizing and archiving easier, and now I publish new tiles almost-almost every day. If I make any more progress, I won't be publishing anything at all.
Also, I really, really hate doing "about" pages, which is why it took me about three months after starting this TypePad blog to put anything at all on my about page. I really need to redo this, don't I?
Books, puzzles, games, collage, digital design, cooking, interweb, not in that order. Except for books.